Support brands and give them room to grow. Engage company leadership to strengthen or create a position on the importance of racial diversity and the fight against racism . 3. Offer products and services that satisfy the tastes and needs of this group For decades, beauty and personal care brands have almost exclusively catered to the needs of white consumers. However, the willingness to explore new products and services is a human characteristic that has nothing to do with race. 81 % of those surveyed by Mckinsey said they want to change brands. These data suggest that dissatisfaction with current options is widespread.
Promoting respect for all people in the planning of products, services and Telegram Number Data customer service is a prevailing need. Keep in mind that a brand that is not seen is not remembered. In the same way, an audience that does not see itself represented does not have your brand as an option. 4. Create an Afro-descendant buyer persona Any marketing and product strategy is only assertive if it takes into account your personal preferences, tastes, problems and complaints . If you don't do this, the result is that your brand will be discredited by this audience. They may feel that your offers are not made for them, but for other ethnicities and groups. Your marketing campaigns will only be assertive if you understand the needs, opinions, pain points and challenges of your black customers.
So if you want their attention, they should see that you understand their quirks and want to help them. 5. Create valuable content for leads from this audience It is widely known that companies that create a large amount of content achieve the best marketing results. The average person consumes 11 pieces of content before making a purchasing decision. You should ask yourself some questions: What do they search on the Internet? What content sparks your curiosity? What topics draw your attention? What are your concerns and interests? Offer valuable content that not only draws them to your brand but also makes them feel engaged and delighted. As a result, they could become ambassadors and promote your company to others.