The precariat is one of the main problems of the modern economy and requires attention from governments and society. It is necessary to create conditions for improving labor relations and protecting the rights of such workers. What are the reasons for precarity? Prevarication arises from changes in economic structure and labor relations. It may be caused by the following factors . Globalization International competition leads to lower production costs, which leads to fewer permanent jobs.
Technological progress automation and robotization of production lead to a reduction in the photo editing servies number of jobs that were previously performed by people. . Strong competition in the labor market leads to lower wages and an increase in the number of temporary and contract jobs. . Changes in work-related legislation may lead to a reduction in social protection for workers. . Economic and political uncertainty can lead to instability in the labor market and an increase in the number of temporary jobs. . Some employers prefer to hire temporary or contract workers to have more flexibility in managing their staff.
Changes in society, such as an increase in the number of single parents and migrants. Advantages of prevarication Like any phenomenon, prevarication has its pros and cons. Possible advantages include. Flexibility For some workers, temporary or contract jobs may be preferable because they can choose when and how much to work. . Skill development Non-permanent work can provide the opportunity to gain new skills and experience in different areas.